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You find yourself here, right here, right now

In this moment on your journey, seeking the right set of keys to unlock the doors to your magic, your feminine power, the gateway to your wild innate wisdom. Do you feel blocked or stuck, as though the river of your life isn’t flowing well? Do you find yourself in relationships that are causing you emotional pain, where your needs are not being met, & your boundaries are not respected? Do you feel scared of the great unknown but an immense calling to step out into the vibrant forest of your life? Are there parts of you that are hard to love or accept? Do you want to feel better, have greater energy & clarity, be more heart-connected, & feel juicer in your creativity and sensuality?

What you will receive on the other side of these mindful self-loving
courses will be the view of a lifetime. A vast shift in perspective.

our Courses
These courses are the treasures you seek. I offer you gems of ancient wisdom, metaphorically packaged in twine and dried flowers. They are shared through practical well-communicated tools and energy transmission through the feelings inspired by them so you will receive experiences that transform your mind, body and heart. Back to the source, a shedding of layers, so your brightest and most authentic self shines through. The tools and practices divulged through these videos will empower you to walk your path with more strength, energy and clarity. The journey of moving through these courses will be watering, feeding and nurturing the garden of your life. We will clean the river, cut off the flow of toxic leaks, purify your own vitality, and release beliefs that poison you from the inside out.

Mindful Self-Care

Learn potent yet simple tools that frame your day in wellness to bring more health and gratitude into your life.

Price $39.99

Mindful Moving Meditation

Create a moving meditation practice that will transform the way you feel in your body & mind to be more grounded, graceful and aligned.

Price $39.99

Mindful Journaling

Write yourself into powerful states of love & gratitude to give yourself a more profound sense of trust and wellbeing in your life.

Price $39.99


Mindful Intuitive Nutrition

Be guided to deeply tune in to your body in new depth, and learn a wise and intuitive approach on nutrition and delicious daily rituals.

Price $39.99


Mindful Embodied Pleasure

Come on a journey to explore your own body temple with greater love and presence, feel yourself deeply and surrender to new levels of bliss. Your juicy wellspring of sensuality awaits!

Price $39.99

radical self acceptance

Mindful Self-Love Bundle

You can order each mindful course individually, or bundle them together to dive into the next chapter of your life

Price $170

Learn to love yourself on this journey as you trail up a living mountain that you have been searching for, and you will experience new vantage points to see the beauty of your life and yourself. Each mind-shifting course will unlock the doors to greater love for yourself. You will grow within you more knowledge of how to live your days owning your power, the boss babe of your own life, on speed dial with the wise priestess that lives within you.

Every mindful course is very different but elegantly interconnected to weave a tapestry of new patterns that will bring to your life more depth, health, and personal power. Begin with the one that calls most to you, Self-Care, Moving Meditation, Self-Discovery through Journaling, Intuitive Nutrition or Self-Pleasure. Enjoy a single course, digest and absorb the benefits, and return for more when you crave that soul-connecting nourishment. Or order the complete bundle, Mindful Self-Love, and enjoy the abundance of the fruiting tree.

With the richness that you are, I lovingly bow to the Being that is You. Thank you for seeking tools to bless your life. I honor your journey and the Wild Woman that you are.